
How aggressive should your investments be?  September 22, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

When designing your personal investment strategy, one of the most important questions you need to answer is, “How aggressive should my portfolio be?” The answer is usually given in terms of asset…

Our response to the Equifax data breach  September 15, 2017 by Sound Stewardship Team

The news recently broke that Equifax, one of the big 3 credit bureaus, was hacked. It’s possible that 143 million people in the US (almost 60%) had their personal information stolen: birthdates, Soc…

August’s Financial To-Dos  August 21, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

Each month, we offer suggestions for ways to chip away at your financial goals. The idea is that doing at least one thing each month, you can make significant progress. This month, consider focusing …

Will you ever be content?  August 17, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

In 2014, a Harvard Business School professor surveyed the wealthiest clients of a large investment bank. He wanted to find out if their riches had brought them a greater level of happiness and content…

The three most common money mistakes  August 3, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

Even though they defy common sense, they’re surprisingly easy to make. In his book Master Your Money, Ron Blue describes the top money mistakes that keep us from our full financial potential. At fi…